Are you looking for a remote job but you have no experience whatsoever?

Don't worry about it! We provide excellent career opportunities for making thousands of dollars per month in your free time, from the comfort of your home!

Working from home is here to stay. While offices are being shut down, remote work is becoming more and more secure.

Find your dream job now

Why should you work from home?

Working from home takes you beyond the standard 9 to 5 working schedule. You will have 100% flexibility with your working schedule and every single weekend off, if that's what you want.
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Just think about being able to take as many weekend getaways and vacations as you want, go to a parent-teacher conference during the day, take a yoga class, meet a friend for coffee at noon, or simply be home when the air conditioning repair person comes.

You will be putting more money in your pocket by reducing or eliminating spendings on gas, car maintenance, transportation, parking fees, a professional wardrobe, lunches and more!
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And this is not all! You'll easily be earning thousands of dollars per month by choosing to work through Standard at Home!

On average, it takes an employee nearly an hour each day to get to and from work. This means that, with Standard at Home, you will be saving a minimum of 20 hours per month and 250 hours per year only on commuting.
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Just think about all the time you'll be saving once you'll start working from home! This will allow you to focus on priorities outside of work, like getting more sleep in the morning, spending more time with your family or actually enjoying a healthy breakfast.

Watch your children grow, have lunch with your parents, don't miss a single doctors visit or school play, help your children with homework and reconnect with your spouse or boyfriend.
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Working from home will allow you to spend more time with your loved ones.
All of these things will be possible if you decide to work from home!

Just be a digital nomad!
You'll still be able to work and make money whether you decide to locate on the other side of the globe or take a vacation with your family in Bora Bora.
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Working from home gives you the opportunity to travel as much as you want and move households as many times as you want, without having to start over at the bottom of a new company with each move. You won't be limited by your geographic location!

You'll have more time for physical activity, the ability to cook your own meals and eat healthier, as well as less exposure to illnesses.
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Working from home has been showed to lower stress, provide more time for hobbies and interests and improve personal relationships.
Working from home will give you the time and environment to make healthy choices!

Find your dream job now

About us

Working from home has become the new normal!

Our role is to help you find the best remote job that will fit your personality and needs. Through Standard at Home, we will assist you throughout the entire job hunting process and we will make sure you will find your dream job in no time!

What our clients say

"With the help of Standard at Home I managed to find the most amazing remote job. Now I can sleep as much as I want in the morning, I can party and meet my friends whenever I want and still make money when I'm in the mood to work. I'm never going back to office work." - Chloe - 19 yo -Bristol, UK

"I feel closer to my husband and my kids. Working from home has allowed me to adapt my working schedule to my personal needs as well as my family's needs." - Sarah - 41 yo - Nevada, USA

"I'm better rested and I can devote more time to my work, as well as my personal life. Thank you Standard at Home." - Romee - 23 yo Eindhoven, Netherlands

"I have saved a lot of time and money of commuting. I really like this personally." - David 25 yo - Brighton, UK

What our clients say

"With the help of Standard at Home I managed to find the most amazing remote job. Now I can sleep as much as I want in the morning, I can party and meet my friends whenever I want and still make money when I'm in the mood to work. I'm never going back to office work." - Chloe - 19 yo -Bristol, UK

"I feel closer to my husband and my kids. Working from home has allowed me to adapt my working schedule to my personal needs as well as my family's needs." - Sarah - 41 yo - Nevada, USA

"I'm better rested and I can devote more time to my work, as well as my personal life. Thank you Standard at Home." - Romee - 23 yo Eindhoven, Netherlands

"I have saved a lot of time and money of commuting. I really like this personally." - David 25 yo - Brighton, UK

Are you ready to work from home and make thousands of dollars per month?

Fill out the contact form below and we'll get back to you with remote jobs that don't require experience.

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Contact us at or call us on +44 333 015 6121 and see what remote jobs (that don't require experience) we have available for you!